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Dona Izabel is a mistress of many stories, owner of amazing blue eyes and a sweeping faith.


We arrived at her home and were greeted with coffee and cookies, blessings and anecdotes. She is a strong woman, who throughout her life has fought against prejudice and domestic violence, and for a decent life for herself and her children. Just like her there are many, many Izabels.


Just like the women on the Valley, we at Bibirubicus studio also made our dolls – only this time out of wood, instead of clay.


Piece from the SerTãoDivino Collection, designed in partnership with artist Aline Victor.














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The body of the dolls is made from solid wood, turned manually by Severino, in São Paulo. The clay flowers are molded and painted by the craftswomen from Vale do Jequitinhonha. The drawings on the wood are made using different inks and techniques by artist Aline Victor.

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